Trump is serving as the leader of the Republican Christian Nationalists. Emboldening the likes of Josh Hawley to dispute over 200 years of precedent declaring the USA to be a Christian nation. Other lawmakers across the land are using Trump’s reelection to push harder on their desire that public schools be used to teach the Bible.

Some have even likened him to the Messiah. In which case Yahweh will not have to send his son back as promised as spray tan boy will take over the duties.

How much is Trump like Jesus? Let’s compare the two:

Comparison of Trump and Jesus

1. Honesty vs. Dishonesty

  • Jesus: Described as truthful and the embodiment of truth itself (John 14:6). He condemned deceit (Matthew 5:37).
  • Trump: The Washington Post documented over 30,000 false or misleading statements during his presidency. His business dealings have also included fraud, such as the Trump Universityscam (settled for $25 million) and the New York fraud case where a judge ruled he deceived banks and investors. (Source: Washington Post fact-checking database, NY AG ruling).

2. Humility vs. Pride

  • Jesus: Taught humility, washed his disciples’ feet (John 13:12-17), and warned against arrogance (Luke 14:11).
  • Trump: Openly brags about his wealth, intelligence, and accomplishments, stating, “Nobody knows the system better than me” and “I am the chosen one” (2019). His lack of humility is well-documented in speeches and interviews (Source: CNBC, CNN).

3. Treatment of the Poor & Vulnerable

  • Jesus: Prioritized the poor, healing the sick for free, and commanded generosity (Matthew 25:34-40).
  • Trump: His Trump Foundation was shut down for illegally misusing funds meant for veterans and children’s cancer charities (Source: NY Attorney General’s Office). His tax cuts primarily benefited the wealthy rather than the poor.

4. Sexual Ethics: Adultery & Respect for Women

  • Jesus: Taught against adultery (Matthew 5:27-28) and defended women (John 8:1-11).
  • Trump: Multiple extramarital affairs, including with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, while married to Melania (Source: WSJ, NYT). He has bragged about sexually assaulting women (“grab them by the p—-” Access Hollywood tape).

5. Violence & Revenge

  • Jesus: Advocated for nonviolence, saying, “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44) and rejecting retaliation (Matthew 26:52).
  • Trump: Encouraged violence at rallies (“Knock the crap out of them,” 2016 rally). On Jan. 6, 2021, he incited an insurrection attempt (Source: House Jan. 6 Committee Report).

6. Lying & Bearing False Witness

  • Jesus: Condemned false testimony (Mark 10:19).
  • Trump: Found liable for defamation against E. Jean Carroll (Source: NY Federal Court). Regularly spreads conspiracy theories and false claims.

Final Thought: Would Jesus Support Trump?

  • Jesus never sought power (John 18:36). Trump craves it.
  • Jesus loved the poor (Luke 4:18). Trump mocks them.
  • Jesus valued truth (John 14:6). Trump distorts it.
  • Jesus taught peace (Matthew 5:9). Trump thrives on chaos.

The only way Trump aligns with Christianity is if you rewrite Christianity to worship power, money, and nationalism—which is exactly what many evangelical leaders have done.

jesus and prick

Well that comparison didn’t go to well for orangutang man. Perhaps there is another character from the Bible that more closely aligns with Trump. Maybe…

Comparison of Trump with the Beast of the Apocalypse from Revelations.

1. Deception & Lies

  • Beast (Revelation 13:14): “And it deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which it was granted to do.”
  • Trump: Fact-checkers documented over 30,000 false or misleading claims during his presidency (Source: Washington Post). He also spread election fraud conspiracies that led to the Jan. 6 insurrection.

2. Worship & Adoration

  • Beast (Revelation 13:3-4): “And the whole world marveled and followed the Beast… and they worshiped the Beast, saying, ‘Who is like the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?’”
  • Trump: His followers have referred to him as “the chosen one” (some literally believe he was sent by God). His rallies are filled with chants like “Trump is our king!” and “God sent Trump” (Source: NBC, Washington Post).

3. Blasphemy & Arrogance

  • Beast (Revelation 13:5-6): “And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.”
  • Trump: Called himself “the chosen one” in a 2019 press conference while looking up at the sky. Claimed he alone could fix the country, directly contradicting Christian teachings on humility (Source: CNN).

4. Persecution of Opponents

  • Beast (Revelation 13:7): “And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.”
  • Trump: Encouraged violence against opponents, calling for the jailing of political rivals (“Lock her up!” chants) and claiming anyone against him is “an enemy of the people” (Source: multiple speeches, Jan. 6 hearings).

5. Mark & Branding

  • Beast (Revelation 13:16-17): “And he causes all… to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark.”
  • Trump: He has built an empire on branding himself—with “Trump” branded buildings, products, even a Bible version. Some extreme followers have gotten Trump tattoos or ‘MAGA’ hats as signs of loyalty.

6. False Prophet Connection

  • Beast’s Ally (Revelation 13:11-12): “Then I saw another beast… He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth to worship the first beast.”
  • Trump: Evangelical leaders like Paula White, Franklin Graham, and others serve as his “false prophets,” claiming God has chosen Trump while ignoring his behavior.

7. Greed & Corruption

  • Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17:4-5): “Arrayed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.”
  • Melania Trump (comparison): Lived in gold-covered penthouses and has been accused of caring more about wealth than morality. Some critics point out that she tolerated Trump’s affairs and bragged about wealth.

8. Destruction & Fall

  • Beast’s Downfall (Revelation 19:20): “Then the Beast was captured, and with him the false prophet… These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.”
  • Trump’s Legal Troubles: Indicted in multiple cases, facing potential prison time. Many former allies have turned against him, possibly leading to his downfall (Source: DOJ indictments, NY fraud case).

The Beast and the Whore of Babylon

We got a MATCH!

So while Evangelicals might be incorrect on which character from the Bible Trump is we can see he does match up well with another. Amen!

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