This archaeological lesson highlights the Merneptah Stele, the earliest known artifact mentioning the Israelites. Merneptah, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, ruled from 1213 to 1203 BCE.

As was customary for pharaohs, he left behind a monumental stone inscription boasting of his many triumphs. Historians, however, approach these declarations with skepticism, recognizing them as propaganda meant to elevate the ruler’s image. While ancient texts like these can provide valuable insights, they require careful interpretation—unlike the modern-day barrage of misinformation often found in partisan media.

This stele documents the pharaoh’s military campaigns, showcasing his conquests over various nations and peoples. Dated to approximately 1207 BCE, it emphasizes his triumphs in Libya and Canaan. Notably, the traditional date of the Exodus is around 1250 BCE. Considering the 40 years of desert wandering, the Israelites’ arrival in Canaan would align with roughly 1210 BCE. This timeline poses a challenge: the Israelites would have had to rapidly conquer Canaan and establish their presence within just three years. It also raises intriguing questions about the level of Canaanite resistance that prompted the pharaoh to boast about his victories.

Now, let’s dive into the translation of the section describing the campaign in Canaan:

The princes are prostrate, saying ‘Peace!’
Not one raises his head among the Nine Bows.
Desolation is for Tjehenu;
Hatti is pacified;
Plundered is the Canaan with every evil;
Carried off is Asqaluni;
Seized upon is Gezer;
Yanoam is made non-existent;
Israel is laid waste—its seed is no more;
Kharru has become a widow because of Egypt.
All lands together are pacified.
Everyone who was restless has been bound.[15]

It would appear that the Israelites were still doing a lot of land sharing in the Promised Land.

What stands out most, however, is how Israel is portrayed. They are described in a way that aligns with how Egyptians referred to nomadic groups—not as dominant conquerors of the Promised Land, but more akin to wandering settlers navigating the region.