Category: History or lack thereof for the Bible

  • One God?

    To understand it from a modern day fundamentalist evangelical, you know the one that thinks you should learn about his religious biases in public schools, there is only one god. Bear with me here it starts getting confusing real fast. So there’s one god but this god is three gods, WHAT? Yeah three. Count’em God…

  • Israelites, Ma & Pa Kettle of the Canaanites or what? 

    The bible tells us that after escaping Egypt the Israelites go all whup-ass on the Canaanites taking over the “Promised Land.” However there is virtually nothing in the archeological record to support this.  Here’s the bible’s take on how the Israelites got their god given land.  Key Biblical Accounts of Conquests  Archaeological Evidence for Biblical…

  • Promised Land but Promised to Who?

    In our lesson, “Israelites: Ma & Pa Kettle of the Canaanites or Something Else?” we explored the origins of the Israelites in Canaan. Sharing the same genetic lineage as the Canaanites, they were deeply connected to the region. Yet, in Exodus, Yahweh promised Moses that Canaan would belong to the Israelites. It’s intriguing that Exodus,…

  • Shrimply Delicious 

    We are taught by the Christian religious community to obey the laws in the Bible. Yet a cursory look at the USA will indicate that obedience to the Bible is very selective.  For instance, shrimp. Not so delicious if you are a pious Christian. Leviticus 11:9  “That shellfish are detestable because they lack fins or scales.”…