Welcome to Public School Bible Studies Lesson 1.

You might be asking why am I being forced to study the Bible in public school?

Fundamentalist Christians oppose the use of tax dollars for any purpose except enforcing their religious beliefs on children. This will be one of the many hypocrisies we’ll be covering in this course.

Perhaps you’re Catholic and wonder why you’re obligated to study Protestant Christian teachings. While there are some similarities between the two, they’re not identical. When I was younger, I also had to study religion, but it was at a Catholic school that my parents diligently paid for with their own money, not government funds.

Some of your fellow students may be Jewish. While there are some similarities, such as the use of the same scriptures in some cases the cultures, traditions and beliefs are vastly different.

It’s possible that you’re Muslim. The divide between the two religions grows even though we’re still referring to the same deity, “People of the Book,” but the cultural and religious practices are vastly different.

Or, worst of all, you might be a student from a family of agnostics or atheists who doesn’t hold any specific belief in a deity.

Who thought about this problem? Many people with different beliefs? Well our founding fathers did that’s who. Many of them were well-aware of the bloodshed in Europe throughout history, as even minor differences in beliefs could justify murder and war.

Groups fleeing Europe to the New World to escape religious persecution include:

  • – Pilgrims (Separatists)
  • – Puritans
  • – Quakers
  • – Catholics
  • – Huguenots
  • – German Pietists and Moravians
  • – Mennonites and Amish

This country was founded on by people escaping government sanctioned religious rules.

The Founding Fathers opposed the establishment of a religion within the government to avoid the state-sanctioned persecution that drove many Europeans from their home countries to America.

However, you are now in a public school classroom being forced to study religion, specifically White Nationalist Protestant religion. This is being imposed upon you by those who claim to be true patriots while disregarding the Constitution of this country to require you to conform to their beliefs. [Hypocrisy Alert]

To address this, this site will present the authentic Bible story. In this course, you will be introduced to evidence that clearly suggests the Bible is a compilation composed by various factions edited and reedited over time.

 I will delve into the history of the real Israelites who are actually Canaanites. I will provide evidence-based information demonstrating that a specific sect of Canaanites diverged culturally from the illiterate inhabitants of Canaan. It will be shown how the Jewish god Yahweh is a fusion of the many deities worshipped in Canaan, while Judaism was predominantly polytheistic until the Hellenistic era when the Greeks translated the Bible, which ultimately spread this misconception worldwide.