Leviticus 25:44-46New International Version States:
44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
By this logic the American President Abraham Lincoln could be considered the Anti-Christ for freeing the slaves. As no doubt many white conservative christian southerners would agree.
When viewed in this light, I suppose the reelection of Trump can be seen as the christian nazis undoubtedly do: that Trump is doing god’s work by erasing Black people from history from federal government websites and periodicals. If we are, as it certainly appears, going to reinstitute slavery as a Christian right, it wouldn’t do at all to have the government showing them as free and important parts of our nation.
As we have covered and will cover more again and again I suppose that crazy Leviticus providing the rules for the chosen people would appear to advocate for things that most in the modern age would find apprehensible. Well, of course normal decent humans, MAGAts excluded. But Et tu Lincoln? The once most honored Republican before Trump? Was he an agent of the Devil? Is this why God has given us Trump to restore the order as imposed by the Bible?
But wait you say! Certainly Jesus and the founder of Christianity Paul wouldn’t have supported slavery. Well… maybe not but they weren’t going to get their panties in a bunch by decrying it.
In a famous point/counterpoint Baptist pastor Richard Fuller used the Bible to defend slavery in 1845. From the Gospel Coalition website we find the following points Pastor Fuller made.
1. The Old Testament tolerates slavery. Fuller pointed to Leviticus 25:44: “You may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you.” God would never permit what he considered sinful.
2. The New Testament tolerates and regulates slavery. Jesus used the institution of slavery in his teaching, drawing a contrast between those in bondage and those free (John 8:35). Jesus didn’t repudiate slavery. Paul told slaves to obey their masters, and he told masters how to manage slaves (Eph. 6:5–11; Col. 3:22–4:1). From Jesus and Paul we find, according Fuller, implicit approval of slavery.
3. If Jesus or Paul had wanted to outlaw the institution of slavery, they would’ve done so immediately. Neither the Savior nor his apostle, Fuller insisted, would have caved to the pro-slavery culture if they counted it a sin.
4. The morality of slavery is no defense for its abuses. Fuller owned slaves himself, and he prided himself on the way he cared for them, counting himself among “the sincerest friends of the African race.”
For Fuller the matter was simple: If Old Testament saints owned slaves, and if the apostle Paul preached “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) without explicitly prohibiting slavery, then no man can rightly call slavery, in principle, a sin. In short:
Slavery was everywhere a part of the social organization of the earth; and slaves and their masters were members together of the churches; and minute instructions are given to each as to their duties, without even an insinuation that it was the duty of masters to emancipate. Now I ask, could this possibly be so, if slavery were “a heinous sin”? No!
Woah Bible, you’re hurting my head with all these contradictions such as do unto others but by the way make them your slaves and it’s all cool if you treat them well and not like Simon Legree.

Again the Bible seems to be able to bend to whatever predilection you care to espouse. Unlike most of the courses your taking in school, such as arithmetic, science, or even history, their seem to be no wrong answers in the Bible. Tell your teacher that and if she gives you an F tell she will go to hell!