Mission Statement
Public School Bible Study.com
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to uphold the separation of church and state by challenging the inclusion of Bible teachings in public schools. We are dedicated to defending First Amendment principles, ensuring that public education remains a space free from religious influence. By examining the historical, archaeological, and textual inconsistencies of the Bible, we aim to emphasize why it should not be presented as a factual or historical source in secular education. Through sharp-witted commentary and engaging, thought-provoking articles, we promote critical thinking and safeguard the integrity of public education.
Challenging the Bible being taught in Public Schools
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What’s your problem? I believe in the Bible and think it should be taught to everyone.
You have the freedom in this country to share your opinions to whomever you wish but the constitution says that no one variety of religion shall be instituted by government. If you find this displeases you perhaps you would enjoy living in a theocratic country such as Iran or Afghanistan. You’re only fooling yourself if you think that mandated Christianity or Judaism would result in a different outcome than these countries.
Is the Bible supported by archaeology?
Very little of the Bible can be correlated to archaeology. Almost nothing aligns with known history or archaeology before 700 BC, which is when the earliest drafts of the written texts appear in the historical record. To the extent that teaching this in public schools as factual would be comparable to forcing children to believe that Zeus was their deity.
How has the Bible been edited?
Frequently, to the point where the logic of the Bible is a twisted pretzel of contradicting beliefs that it has created a whole industry in to reconciling a god of love vs a god that seems more interested in punishing any lack of devotion with grave consequences.
Does the Bible correlate with any deity?
You know that is a good question. With the best information we have the old testament seems to be a origin document for a group of people who are leaving nomadic pastoralist to a cohesive ethnic urban group and defining laws that differentiate themselves from their genetic cousins in Canaan.
How can we know if this is truly divine text? Well… how about the old guy make himself known through his infinite power and remove doubt? In the old days he seemed to be a constant presence with his chosen people. Now in the modern age when we can capture his edicts and replay them endlessly on YouTube… NADA.
It’s almost like he might not exist.